Career Pathways Program

Launch a career in construction or clean energy with paid training and work experience

Career Pathways Program

Civic Works’ Center for Sustainable Careers offers paid skills training, on-the-job experience, and wrap-around support for Baltimore residents ready to launch expands access to family-sustaining careers through our Career Pathways programs.

After selecting one of three sector-based tracks – utility infrastructure, solar installation, or roofing – we will support you in building the skills you need to secure quality employment. You will receive paid hands-on training through our social enterprise, industry-recognized credentials, wrap-around case management, job placement assistance, and ongoing support in your new job.

Nearly 90% of our graduates have secured employment with starting wages between $17-21/hr and opportunities for advancement. Are you ready to launch your career in a growing industry?

Start your application today
BGE Workforce Collaborative 2024 graduates on the steps of the Clifton Mansion

Program Details

Our Training Tracks

Hire Our Graduates

Learn how we can connect your business to highly-trained candidates.

Learn More
trainees in safety gear standing around an instructor working on a power line pole

Program Funding Disclosure

Critical Sectors Job Quality is supported by the U.S. Department of Labor as part of an award totaling $2,975,276 with $0 (0%) funded by other sources. Building Pathways is supported by the U.S. Department of Labor as part of an award totaling $2,000,000 with $0 (0%) funded by other sources.

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