Privacy Statement

Civic Works is committed to respecting the privacy of its online visitors. This statement, which is part of the Terms of Use of this site, discloses the sites’ privacy practices involving what information we collect, how we use it, and how we share it.


When visitors use Civic Works’ website, they are using a service provided by Civic Works and agree to be bound by our Privacy statement as it is modified from time to time and posted on this site. Other sites, including those Civic Works links to, may have their own policies which Civic Works is not responsible for, and are not addressed or controlled by this Privacy Statement. Civic Works shall not be liable under any circumstances for damages resulting from use of information collected from visitors to our site.

Information Collection

Civic Works collects two types of information: 1) Personal, voluntary registration information, such as name, address and email address, and personal voluntary employment information such as name, contact information, education level, resume, and work eligibility; 2) Non-personal statistical information, such as site traffic and usage patterns.

  1. Personal information submitted voluntarily is used to fulfill publication orders, deliver requested information, and complete online job applications. This information is stored on secured servers and kept as long as the user is subscribed to receive such information. Online job information is kept until the job order is filled. This information is used solely by Civic Works, its partners, and others involved in the operation of this website and will never be sold, rented or shared with others for their business purposes, or given to third parties except to fulfill requests.
  2. Non-personal statistical information, collected in real-time, is to measure site activity and improve the structure of our website. We may also use this information to educate ourselves about the interests and concerns of our visitors.

Temporary session cookies are used to collect information and maintain things like the items in your shopping cart. These cookies are destroyed when you close your browser and do not track any personally identifiable information about the user. The cookies are not used for any purpose but to maintain a session.


Civic Works attempts to collect and store data in a manner to protect its confidentiality, recognizing that no transmission of data is entirely secure. Although we attempt to keep information in a secure environment to safeguard the confidentiality of users personal information, we cannot guarantee complete security.

Privacy Protection for Children

In compliance with the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act, we do not knowingly permit persons under the age of 13 to provide personal information through Civic Works’ website. If such provision is detected, the Civic Works will take appropriate steps to remove this information from our databases.

Unsubscribing or Changing Information

Civic Works makes every effort to ensure that only visitors who request mail or email will receive mail or email. If you would like to remove your name from the electronic newsletter or other mailing list, simply contact Kristen Wommack (

Contact Information

Civic Works, Inc.

2701 St. Lo Drive
Baltimore, MD 21213

Phone: 410-366-8533

Fax: 410-366-1831

Privacy Statement last updated September 2007.

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