Sustainable Careers students in training installing solar panels

Hire Our Graduates

Need highly trained, highly skilled workers?

Civic Works is a longstanding Baltimore City non-profit with a 30+ year track record of success.

Our Center for Sustainable Careers connects construction companies in Maryland with highly-trained, highly-skilled workers in solar installation, energy retrofit installation, and utility infrastructure.

Over time, we’ve developed a reputation for world-class training and graduates that perform at the highest level from day one. Our graduates have also been vetted for the qualities that make for a great employee, including drive, commitment, punctuality, and workplace skills.

When a CSC graduate joins your team, they’ll continue to receive up to two years of support from our team to ensure their success in your workplace.

Contact Us

  • “…Civic Works enhances Baltimore’s Brownfields Initiative, administered by my office, by providing employers with a qualified workforce capable of addressing the contamination found at many of our sites slated for redevelopment.”
    Gary Suskauer Director, Brownfields Initiative, Baltimore Development Corporation
  • “As a Baltimore City resident, volunteer instructor and employer of a Civic Works graduate, I have been continuously impressed by the scope and quality of the program, the professionalism of your staff, and the aspirations of the program participants.”
    Denise Sullivan, P.E. Owner, Urban Green Environmental, LLC

How We Connect You With Talent


Our Training Programs

Learn More About Civic Works' Center for Sustainable Careers

Center for Sustainable Careers

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